Monday, November 10, 2008

Remove Duplicates Using Dup Detector

Duplicates are redundancy and they take extra hard disk storage space. Finding and deleting them manually is tedious and requires absolute patient, which obviously none of us have. Imagine all the searching, compare and delete. Dup Detector is a Windows software developed by William L. Hunt that can detect and delete the duplicate images intelligently.

Dup Detector creates a data file by opening and reading image pixel data for each image in your collection. It then finds duplicates by percentage match and displays matching pairs from a log file.

Dup Detector supports following image file formats - jpg, bmp, png, tif, pcx, tga, wmf, emf, psp. It’s free, so you don’t have to pay a penny to clear some extra space for your hard disk.

Download Dup Detector

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