Monday, July 14, 2008

Convert JPEG, BMP and PNG Images to ICO Format

Imagicon is a free graphics utility designed to convert multiple image files from BMP, JPG or PNG image formats into any of the following image formats (24-bit)- Windows or OS/2 Bitmap (BMP), Independent JPEG Group (JPG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG) and Windows Icon (ICO). Imagicon is a small utility which is less than 1MB size and is supported on Windows 98/2000/ME/NT/XP/Vista. All you need is to drag and drop the files into the windows and its converted and saved to the default location.

Imagicon has options to set the default save format and also other settings. If you converting to .ico format, the dimension of the icons can be set.

While converting images, you can set the image quality for JPG images. Options are available to transform images and enable alpha transparency of icons. The interface window of Imagicon can be personalized with custom designs

Imagicon is a simple and free utility which can come handy for quick conversion of images.

Download Imagicon

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