Saturday, September 27, 2008

Everything - Fastest Serach Engine For Windows Desktop

Everything is tiny free Windows utility that let you instantaneously search on your desktop. Just download and install the file and within moments you’ll be able to find just about anything stored on your system. No need to wait a few hours or days for Everything to build an index of your files first.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How To Copy Image From Excel

It is common that you would like to copy and paste the data from excel into other MS office softwares like Word or Power Point.   You can usually do direct copy &  paste without any problem.  Until, you realize that the table in Excel is big enough that when you paste it in Word or Power Point, the table excess the margin available.This could be a stressful process trying to reduce the size of table until it fits to the margin in your word or power point. There are several ways to copy your table as a picture and paste it. Some of them are mentioned below:

  1. Do the print screen and paste it first in MS paint.  Then select the table that you want to copy and press Ctrl+C (copy).  After that you can paste it.

  2. Copy the table in Excel, then go to Word or Power Point, select Paste Special.  After that you can choose paste as image.

  3. Select the table in Excel, then while holding the SHIFT key, click on EDIT menu.  It will show an additional sub-menu “Copy Picture”.  This “Copy Picture” sub-menu only available when you hold the SHIFT key while clicking on EDIT menu. Try it.  After copy the image, then you can paste it wherever you want.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Unlock PDF files

PDF unlocker - unlock your PDF files
PDF unlocker is a free tool to unlock your PDF files. The convenience is that it is an offline/desktop software, which requires no internet access. Often, PDF files are published online with passwords to prevent unauthorized access to them. PDF Unlocker can be used to bypass this protection and open password protected PDF files.

Download PDF unlocker

PDF Crack
PDF Crack is an online PDF unlocking service. You can upload a PDF file, and get back an unlocked and non-restricted version of the same PDF document in a new window. The advantage of PDF Crack is that you do not need to install any software (hence, it can be used on computers where you are not allowed to install software, for example at office).

Free Software Everyday

It's true that there is a site that gives a software (LICENSED) absolutely free.It gives single software each day.Each program is available for 24 hours only, and you must install it the day you download it. If you are game lover, they also give away one Game every day!That means - not a trial, not a limited version - but a registered and legal version of the software.

The software product will be presented in its full functionality, without any limitations save for those mentioned in Terms and Conditions.

The download link will remain on their web-site for the agreed period of time, together with the review of the software product and the information about other products from the software publisher presenting the giveaway title.

Both reviews and the information on the product line will remain active even when the Giveaway period is over.

Here is the link to the site : Give Away of the day

Google Chrome Tips And Tricks

Some of the best tips and tricks of Google Chrome.

1.Checking History:In Chrome's interface the search history has been integrated into the back button – just hold down the mouse button when you're clicking on the back arrow. After a short delay, a menu pops up showing your recently visited pages. At the end of menu there is option for show history.

2.Perform simple calculations and unit conversions using Google Calculator : Simply type the expression in Google Chrome's address bar (or "omnibox"). To copy the answer, select the suggestion.

3. Increase Text Area: If you need 
more space in a textarea, resize it by dragging the lower right corner.

4. Detach a tab and open it in a new window - just drag the tab outside the active window. You can also add it back to the original window using drag and drop.

5. Download and Drag :After downloading a file, you can copy it to the desktop or to any other folder by using drag and drop directly from Google Chrome.

6. Adding any site to search engine list:If the search engine of a site supports OpenSearch, you can add it to Google Chrome's search box by simply visiting the site and performing a search. The domain name automatically becomes a keyword and you should only type the first letters from the URL until you see "press Tab to search". Then press Tab and type your query.

You can also manually add search engines, by right-clicking on the address bar and selecting "Edit search engines". 

Name - Wikipedia
Keyword - wiki (that's what you need to type in the address bar)

Name - Google Translate (English)
Keyword - trans

7.Try entering these addresses into Chrome:

about:shorthang (careful it emulates the crash)

via:Google Operating System

Tips Tricks And Collections Headline Animator